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How static resource is served by glassfish server without servlet-mapping

I deployed war file with some static resource (.zip) on glassfish server @ physical location {WebAppRoot}/resources/WebFiles/zippedFiles/{FileName}.zip so for downloading/accessing file from browser relative path or URI will be {}/resources/WebFiles/zippedFiles/{FileName}.zip.Someday before i am trying to enable resume support for downloading such files after some Googleing i come to know that i have to tell glassfish that .zip file is an static content,so after adding


Resume support is enabled.

So my question is,Before adding <servlet-mapping> how the .zip file is served? Is that file handled by DispatcherServlet (Dynamic content)? How the server knows URI({}/resources/WebFiles/zippedFiles/{FileName}.zip) is of an file not the controller or JSP (view) for which DispatcherServlet is resposible.

And one last what is benefit of adding such <servlet-mapping>?


  • There is a 'default servlet' that handles all unmapped resources.