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Write a linq query with many to many scenario and other table

I want to write a linq query that join some tables and return a custom object but I have some problems with the many to many table because I do not have any object to work with. You will see at the end my problematic linq query but for now let's me show you what I have with Code First, fluent API and SQL:

Here are all tables I need to work with (you will see all foreign keys with the sql statement later):

  1. UserProfile

  2. BusinessProfile

  3. Bid

  4. Tender

  5. UserBusinessProfile Many to many table for user and business profile

The many to many table is define within protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder) this way

// Many to many UserProfiles => BusinessProfiles
                .HasKey(primaryKey => primaryKey.Id)
                .HasMany(business => business.BusinessProfiles)
                .WithMany(user => user.UserProfiles)
                .Map(m => m.MapLeftKey("UserProfileId")

Right here, the .ToTable("UserBusinessProfile") I need to include in my linq query...

Finally, my SQL Statement I need to write with linq (SQL Statement work as expected.):

select * from UserProfile inner join UserBusinessProfile on UserProfile.Id = UserBusinessProfile.UserProfileId inner join BusinessProfile on BusinessProfile.Id = UserBusinessProfile.BusinessProfileId inner join Bid on Bid.UserProfileId = UserProfile.Id and Bid.BusinessProfileId = BusinessProfile.Id inner join Tender on Bid.TenderId = Tender.Id

And the linq query I have:

from UserProfile in context.UserProfile
join UserBusinessProfile in context.UserBusinessProfile on new { Id = UserProfile.Id } equals new { Id = UserBusinessProfile.UserProfileId }
join BusinessProfile in context.BusinessProfile on new { Id = UserBusinessProfile.BusinessProfileId } equals new { Id = BusinessProfile.Id }
join Bid in context.Bid
      on new { UserProfileId = UserProfile.Id, BusinessProfileId = BusinessProfile.Id }
  equals new { Bid.UserProfileId, Bid.BusinessProfileId }
join Tender in context.Tender on new { TenderId = Bid.TenderId } equals new { TenderId = Tender.Id }
  UserProfile.Id == 1 &&
  BusinessProfile.Id == 1
select new CustomObject{

As you can see, I cannot use context.UserBusinessProfile from my linq query because I do not have any object to work with like the other table. And I really don't know how I can do that or how I can write my linq query to make things done.

Thank you for your time and your help,


In other words, how can I write the linq query from this SQL query when you know that UserBusinessProfile is the many to many table??:

select * from UserProfile 
inner join UserBusinessProfile on UserProfile.Id = UserBusinessProfile.UserProfileId
inner join BusinessProfile on BusinessProfile.Id = UserBusinessProfile.BusinessProfileId
inner join Bid on Bid.UserProfileId = UserProfile.Id and Bid.BusinessProfileId = BusinessProfile.Id
inner join Tender on Bid.TenderId = Tender.Id
where UserProfile.Id = 1 and BusinessProfile.Id = 1


  • I found the way to go. May be it could be optimize but its working.

        from user in context.UserProfiles
                        from business in context.BusinessProfiles
                        join bid in context.Bids on new { UserProfileId = user.Id, BusinessProfileId = business.Id } equals new { bid.UserProfileId, bid.BusinessProfileId }
                        join tender in context.Tenders on new { TenderId = bid.TenderId } equals new { TenderId = tender.Id }
                        where business.Id == businessProfileId && user.Id == userProfileId && tender.Id == tenderId
    select new CustomObject