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Rails validate uniqueness only if conditional

I have a Question class:

class Question < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessible :user_id, :created_on

  validates_uniqueness_of :created_on, :scope => :user_id

A given user can only create a single question per day, so I want to force uniqueness in the database via a unique index and the Question class via validates_uniqueness_of.

The trouble I'm running into is that I only want that constraint for non-admin users. So admins can create as many questions per day as they want. Any ideas for how to achieve that elegantly?


  • You can make a validation conditional by passing either a simple string of Ruby to be executed, a Proc, or a method name as a symbol as a value to either :if or :unless in the options for your validation. Here are some examples:

    Prior to Rails version 5.2 you could pass a string:

    # using a string:
    validates :name, uniqueness: true, if: 'name.present?'

    From 5.2 onwards, strings are no longer supported, leaving you the following options:

    # using a Proc:
    validates :email, presence: true, if: { |user| user.approved? }
    # using a Lambda (a type of proc ... and a good replacement for deprecated strings):
    validates :email, presence: true, if: -> { name.present? }
    # using a symbol to call a method:
    validates :address, presence: true, if: :some_complex_condition
    def some_complex_condition
      true # do your checking and return true or false

    In your case, you could do something like this:

    class Question < ActiveRecord::Base
      attr_accessible :user_id, :created_on
      validates_uniqueness_of :created_on, :scope => :user_id, unless: { |question| question.user.is_admin? }

    Have a look at the conditional validation section on the rails guides for more details: