Can give me someone an idea how I can switch of the antialiasing for all items in a goocanvasmm?
I tried to get the root item model but this did not contain the antialiasing property.
I could not really find any valid documentation for goocanvasmm. I really need a tutorial but I can't find some.
[edit] Sorry, I need the code for goocanvasmm!!! not goocanvas. So please do not edit this again. Yes, it is the c++ version of gtk+ called gtkmm and the goocanvasmm
[edit] I have now a rect in the canvas and I could get the rect->property_antialias()=???? but now i struggled with PropertyProxy.
the following both lines will not work: 1)
rect->property_antialias()=CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_NONE ;
no match for »operator=« (operand types are »Glib::PropertyProxy« and »_cairo_antialias«)
rect->property_antialias()=ANTIALIAS_NONE ;
error: 'ANTIALIAS_NONE' was not declared in this scope
is the base class for most items. It has an antialias
property which is of a type that maps to cairo_antialias_t
This is for the C version, not C++, but it should be easy to map to the 'mm' versions of the docs. Here's the equivalent for antialias in goocanvasmm.
When you don't know where a property is, just dig in the parent classes or interfaces implemented until you find it.
Then, set the value of the appropriate Cairo::Antialias type (which is a type defined in cairomm).
rect->property_antialias() = Cairo::ANTIALIAS_NONE;