i want to react in a different way to the event when a user clicks on a node in the diagram builder.
I know how to create custom nodes (I found the discussion here on stackoverflow) but I do not know how to overwrite the code that gets called when a user clicks the node.
I tried it with extending the "custom node" example :
Y.DiagramNodeCustom = Y.Component.create({
NAME: 'diagram-node',
type: {
value: 'custom'
on: {
render: function(event) { alert('render node');
click: function(event) { alert('click node');
select: function(event) { alert('select node');
EXTENDS: Y.DiagramNodeTask
... but no luck
Who can tell me how I can replace the click event listener ?
you can change the function on the library
_onNodeClick: function(event) {
var instance = this;
//get the object
var diagramNode = A.Widget.getByNode(event.currentTarget);
//mark as selected
//open edit pannel