I have a <s:select list="links" headerKey="" headerValue="-- Select a link --" name="reportLinks" id="reportLinks" listValue="linkText" listKey="linkValue" />
and I would like the options to be generated with its value attribute equals to the link that is mapped in an enum.
The enum:
public enum LinksRelatorios {
1("One", "/reports", "inicializeReportOne", "PROJECT"),
2("Two", "/reports", "inicializeReportTwo", "PROJECT"),
3("Three", "/reports", "inicializeReportThree", "PROJECT"),
4("four", "/reports", "inicializeReportFour", "PROJECT"),
5("Five", "/reports", "inicializeReportFive", "PROJECT"),
6("Six", "/reports", "inicializeReportSix", "PROJECT"),
7("Seven", "/reports", "inicializeReportSeven", "PROJECT");
private String linkText;
private String nameSpace;
private String action;
private String project;
private LinksRelatorios(final String textoLinkParam, final String nameSpaceParam, final String actionParam, final String projectParam) {
this.linkText = linkTextParam;
this.nameSpace = nameSpaceParam;
this.action = actionParam;
this.project = projectParam;
public String getLinkText() {
return this.linkText;
public String getNameSpace() {
return this.nameSpace;
public String getAction() {
return this.action;
public String getProjeto() {
return this.project;
What I want to do is that every option has the value of a <s:url namespace="namespace" action="action" />
for example.
The <s:url>
tag generates a URL with the project context and the action extension for me and that's why I need it, so as not to hard coded this informations in the enum.
My action is correct and I can get the enum without a problem, I tested using <s:iterator>
The action:
public class InicioAction extends BaseAction {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1161409943678292285L;
private static final LinksRelatorios[] links = LinksRelatorios.values();
public String inicio() {
this.addActionMessage(this.getText("msg.sucesso.saudacao.mensagem", new String[] { (String) BaseAction
.getSession().getAttribute(Constantes.PERFIL) }));
return Action.SUCCESS;
public static LinksRelatorios[] getLinks() {
return InicioAction.links;
I've searched over google and SO, but couldn't find any results.
I've read the online official docs in http://struts.apache.org/release/2.3.x/docs/using-struts-2-tags.html, http://struts.apache.org/release/2.3.x/docs/a.html and http://struts.apache.org/release/2.3.x/docs/url.html but the examples sections is actually pretty poor comparing to frameworks such as PrimeFaces or RichFaces that have built theirs own showcases.
I don't think what I was trying to do is possible using just struts tags.
So I just did what's below:
<select id="linksInternacaoDomiciliar" name="linksInternacaoDomiciliar">
<s:iterator value="links" var="link">
<option value="<s:url namespace="%{#link.nameSpace}" action="%{#link.action}" />"><s:property value="textoLink"/></option>