I am using Clozure Cl on Mac os x 10.9 and Portable allegro serve I have a file with text has characters like ı ç ş ö (these are some characters Turkish also have) and some Arabic characters. I cannot serve them. when i visit from the browser this kind of characters are not displayed at all, only part of text showed is the ones until the first ı in the text.
In Lisp i use a function composed with a do
and read-line
s and format
(or i have tried print
also) reads entire document and when i set the :external-format :utf-8
it shows the read characters properly in Lisp. Problem is in serving them, if i can serve them as i read on Lisp it will be done.
Also If do not set :external-format
at all, in Lisp it is read improperly, as expected, however, this time the browser can show all the text but with wrong characters in place of above described characters.
How to fix that and use external-format
s character encodings properly?
See http://www.xach.com/lisp/allegro-cl/2001-3/964.html for an example on how to use :external-format in AllegroServe.
Cheers Frank
P.S. I also posted an answer to the same question newsgroup comp.lang.lisp .