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How to localize an Android app in Indonesian language

I need to localize my app into Indonesian language. My app's resource folder contains a list of "values" subfolders for each language, for instance "values-fr" folder.

But I read confusing information on Android developer documentation.

Note that Java uses several deprecated two-letter codes. The Hebrew ("he") language code is rewritten as "iw", Indonesian ("id") as "in", and Yiddish ("yi") as "ji". This rewriting happens even if you construct your own Locale object, not just for instances returned by the various lookup methods.

How to understand this? Basically, should I name my folder "values-in" or "values-id" so that it correctly displays Indonesian texts on a device with Indonesian locale?


  • Resource folders for Indonesian language on Android should be named:

    • raw-in
    • values-in