I am trying to find a java version of octave's fminunc
(function minimization unconstrained) library in Java. The goal is to use it for logistic regression.
Currently, I am using a home-brewed version of gradiant descent for cost minimization and I would like to be able to use an already existing library to do that (in Java) for me. This is related to my effort of porting octave code that we have from the Coursera Machine Learning course to Java.
Ahh, here are a few things you can check for suitability:
http://dev.davidsoergel.com/trac/jlibsvm/ https://github.com/davejacobs/ml http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-math/ http://liebke.github.io/incanter/optimize-api.html#incanter.optimize/non-linear-model
Here are a couple of threads on the same subject: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/clojure/c7dxBWJn_X4 http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100227125757AA7faky