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Dangers of putting a gem into a gemfile is someone trying to install it doesn't support the gem?

If I have some coworkers that have an old version of Mac OS X that doesn't support the gem I want to use (terminal-notifier specifically), are there dangers of putting this into the Gemfile:

gem 'terminal-notifier'

Is there some way to say that it requires OS X 10.8 or greater? What happens if someone on < 10.8 tries to install terminal-notifier? I'm on the latest os so I can't exactly test this.


  • Put into the following condition:

    if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i
       version = `uname -r` =~ /^(\d+)\./ && $1.to_i
       gem 'terminal-notifier' if version >= 12

    This should work. I know that in case of 10.4 the uname -r was 8.x, and of 10.5 the uname -r was 9.x.

    Or with call to sw_vers app:

    if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i
       version = `sw_vers -productVersion` =~ /^10\.(\d+)/ && $1.to_i
       gem 'terminal-notifier' if version >= 9

    In case when the is to be planned to run with you have to use rbconfig module.

    if RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /darwin|mac os/i
       version = `sw_vers -productVersion` =~ /^10\.(\d+)/ && $1.to_i
       gem 'terminal-notifier' if version >= 9