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How do I parse URL params after a hash with Angularjs?

I'm trying to parse for the access_token from Foursquare where the URL is like this:

I've tried $routeParams and $location and get nothing returned. Only after I tried $route, I did get an object back with the following attribute in it:

current:  { 
    params:  {  } 
    pathParams:  {  } 
    loadedTemplateUrl: partials/4sqredirect
    locals:  {  } 
    scope:  { 
        this:  { 
            $ref: $["current"]["scope"]
        route:  { 
            $ref: $
        location:  {  } 
        token: null

Does this mean there's no way to get it using native AngularJS functions cause of the hash?


my controller looks like as follows:

    .controller('4sqredirectCtrl', function ($scope, $route, $location, $routeParams) {
        $scope.route = $route;
        $scope.location = $location;
        $scope.token = $routeParams.access_token;

my main js looks like as follows:

angular.module('myApp', [
.config(function ($routeProvider, $locationProvider) {

    .when('/', {
        templateUrl: 'partials/main',
        controller: 'MainCtrl'
    .when('/4sqredirect/', {
        templateUrl: 'partials/4sqredirect',
        controller: '4sqredirectCtrl'
        redirectTo: '/'


  • From angular location service $location.hash() method return #after-hash

    so if your url is look like


    $location.hash() return access_token=1234567890XXXXX

    you need to split it split('=')[1]

    see this plunker when you click 4Square then $location.url() return


    return 123456