Spring Model:
public class Test {
private List<String> keyphrases;
Thymeleaf html:
<form role="form" action="#" method="post" th:object="${test} th:action="@{/test}">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="words" class="control-label">Keyphrases</label>
<textarea type="text" class="form-control" id="keyphrases" placeholder="Zoektermen" th:field="*{keyphrases}"/>
<div class="form-group">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary pull-right" name="add">
The words in the textarea will be separately added to the array in the model, if they are separated with the comma (,).
However, i would like to use Other separators like " ; ", " : " and a new line. How can I do this?
I have the solution:
make a new class that implements Converter
then add this method
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String part : source.split("[\n\t:;,]")) {
if (!part.trim().isEmpty()) {
return result;
then add this to the spring servlet:
<mvc:annotation-driven conversion-service="conversionService"/>
<bean id="conversionService" class="org.springframework.context.support.ConversionServiceFactoryBean">
<property name="converters">
<bean class="YOUR.PACKAGE.TextAreaSetConverter" />