I have an API controller that returns a HttpStatusCodeResult 200 if it worked and 500 if they weren't able to register. The problem is .done and .fail will both be called no matter what status code is returned. However the information is posted or not posted correctly. Here is my post function. Any ideas what could be causing this would be greatly appreciated?
function register() {
'Email': $("#rEmail").val(),
'Password': $("#rPassword").val()
.done((function () {
alert("Thank you for registering!");
.fail((function () {
alert("Email already exists");
Edit: The problem is that it was reloading the page when jquery.unobtrusive is supposed to prevent that from happening. The fix or workaround was changing it to a button and not a form.
Instead of passing the anonymous functions you were invoking it as a IIFE by adding ()
at the end of the function
function register() {
$.post("../api/Register", {
'Email': $("#rEmail").val(),
'Password': $("#rPassword").val()
}).done(function () {
alert("Thank you for registering!");
}).fail(function () {
alert("Email already exists");