In my JSF page i have few Links{link1,link2,link3,link4}-{Student Id's}.
What i tried is when i click on the Link it Opens the Student-Information in a "NEW WINDOW".
When i am clicking on the next Link it is Opening a New Window,but i want to open in the Same New Window i.e., the TARGET should be the Same NEW Window which is opened.
Diagramatical Representation:
My Piece of Code which i had tried from collecting things from STACKOVERFLOWOpen Page in New Window :
<p:dataTable id="studentDtTble" var="studData" value="#{studentController.dataList}">
<p:columnGroup type="header">
<p:column headerText="StudentId"></p:column>
<p:column headerText="StudentName"></p:column>
<p:column headerText="Add" ></p:column>
<p:commandLink id="sidlink" action="/studentinfo.xhtml" target="_blank">
<h:outputText value="#{studData.studentId}" styleClass="txtlink" />
<h:outputText value="#{studData.studentName}" />
<p:column >
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{studData.add}" />
Edited After @Nosnhoj Reply :When i Click on any of the SID Link then there Details Should Opened in the "Same NEW Window".
Use <h:commandLink>
instead of <p:commandLink>
I tried your code and make a little change like this:
<h:commandLink id="sidlink" action="#{studentController.selectStudent(studData)}" target="_blank">
<h:outputText value="#{studData.studentId}" styleClass="txtlink" />
I changed <p:commandLink>
to <h:commandLink>
, and call a method in the backing bean to set the selected Student.(For the New Window
should need the student information.)
Here is the code of studentController.selectStudent
private Student selectedStu;
public String selectStudent(Student stu) {
selectedStu = stu;
return "/studentinfo.xhtml";
And the following is the code of New Window
<h:commandLink value="Another Link" action="/anotherinfo.xhtml" target="_self"/>
Student: <h:outputText value="#{studentController.selectedStu.studentName}"/>
Which is just showing name of the selected Student, and another link you want.
Note that the target
attribute is _self
because you want the new page show in the same window.
Finally, the anotherinfo.xhtml
is just an empty page I created via NetBeans, so there's no need to post it.
And here's what you may see:
After clicking the id of "Johnson" :
After clicking "Another Link" :
As @User2561626 explain what he/she intended to, I update my answer as follow:
If you want a New Window pop up in stead of New Tab, you should change the code like:
<p:commandLink id="sidlink" actionListener="#{studentController.selectStudent(studData)}" oncomplete="'studentinfo.xhtml', 'newwindow', 'width=300, height=250');">
<h:outputText value="#{studData.studentId}" styleClass="txtlink" />
I change <h:commandLink>
back to <p:commandLink>
, make action
as actionListener
because we want to set the selected Student first, finally I add
in oncomplete
attribute so that the new page will open in a new window but not tab.
Of course we need to edit the method studentController.selectStudent()
, like this:
public void selectStudent(Student stu) {
selectedStu = stu;
As you can see, the return type is void now, and the only thing this method do is just set the selected Student.
Hope this may help.