I've been trying to get this working, and not having 100% success, basically trying to load an image, if the source doesn't exist try a second image until it reaches a default one.
I have been trying the solution based on this question, however I am not using jQuery, so the accepted solution is no use to me, so trying the 2nd solution, which pretty much works, but doesn't seem to be (if that makes sense?). I can get it to test the second image we need, but then it doesn't seem to trigger the onload event again.
function topTenImages(){
var topTenDiv = document.getElementById('toptenimg');
var topTenImg = new Image();
var ac = "tryout";
var imageOrder = new Array(
var errorCnt = 0;
topTenImg.src = domainResources+imageOrder[errorCnt];
topTenImg.onLoad = new function(){
if(errorCnt < imageOrder.length){
var io = imageOrder[++errorCnt];
topTenImg.src = domainResources+io;
Yes I know that we could do this server side with php/perl/et al, but we are trying to limit our outgoing headers, so this seemed to be the best way of doing it. (Alternatives welcome). My other thought was to wrap it in a for loop on the array, and create a new object each time. But this seemed to make more sense.
Thanks, Psy
This should answer your question: http://www.thefutureoftheweb.com/blog/image-onload-isnt-being-called You just need to set onLoad first. Hopefully that will work:
topTenImg.onLoad = function(){
if(errorCnt < imageOrder.length){
var io = imageOrder[++errorCnt];
topTenImg.src = domainResources+io;
topTenImg.src = domainResources+imageOrder[errorCnt];