I'm trying to implement ChatJS (chatjs.net) in web program. When I add all the scripts and and use this code:
// your user information
user: {
Id: 3,
Name: 'John Silver',
ProfilePictureUrl: 'http://www.foo.com/avatar/123'
// text displayed when the other user is typing
typingText: ' is typing...',
// the title for the user's list window
titleText: 'ChatJS demo chat',
// text displayed when there's no other users in the room
emptyRoomText: "There's no one around here.",
// the adapter you are using. There are 2 implementations out of the box:
// SignalRAdapter and LongPollingAdapter (server independent).
adapter: new LongPollingAdapter()
The web browser throws an error:
Uncaught TypeError: Object function (e,n){return new x.fn.init(e,n,t)} has no method 'chat' localhost:8000/try2/:253 (anonymous function)
How can I fix this? If this can't be fixed easily, can someone recommend a similar open source program?
After I rechecked my code, I realized that I forgot include a JS library. After I included it, it started working.