I am trying to bind the result from WCF service to devexpress lookupedit.
this is the property I created
<!-- language: c# -->
public class BindingModel
private static List < VW_ClientProcess> _clientProcess= new List< VW_ClientProcess>();
public List< VW_ClientProcess> clientProcess
return _clientProcess;
_clientProcess = value;
In WPFApp.xaml.cs
BindingModel bind=new BindingModel();
bind.clientProcess = e.Result.GetClientProcessesResult.ToList< VW_ClientProcess>();
this is my xaml code(WPFApp.xaml)
<ViewModel:BindingModel />
<dxlc:LayoutItem x:Name="liClientProcess"
Label="Client Process"
<dxg:LookUpEdit x:Name="lueClientProcess"
ItemsSource="{Binding clientProcess}"
ValueMember="ProcessID" />
The problem is when I set ItemSource in xaml, only column names are displaying but the data fields are empty.
but If I set ItemSource through c# code like this
BindingModel bind = new BindingModel();
lueClientProcess.ItemsSource = bind.clientProcess;
lookupedit edit is getting populated. I am new to WPF. I don't know what I am doing wrong here.
It looks like the problem is you are creating duplicate instances of BindingModel
. So here in the XAML creates one instance, and assigns it to the view's DataContext:
<ViewModel:BindingModel />
But then this doesn't use the existing instance, but creates a new one that isn't attached anywhere to the UI:
BindingModel bind=new BindingModel();
bind.clientProcess = e.Result.GetClientProcessesResult.ToList< VW_ClientProcess>();
So I guess what you'd want, instead of the above:
var bind = (BindingModel)DataContext;
bind.clientProcess = e.Result.GetClientProcessesResult.ToList< VW_ClientProcess>();