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AngularJS ng-mouseover & compiling templates

I'm trying to implement qTip with angular. I have a ng-repeat and want to display a qTip on mouseover of a specific HTML element for every item in my collection:

 <div id="{{}}" class="cxfeeditem feeditem cxhover" ng-repeat="feedItem in items">
   <a ng-mouseover="onNameMouseOver(,$event)">{{}}</a>


Controller code:

$scope.onNameMouseOver = function(actor,event){
  var content=$templateCache.get('bubble.html');
  var compiledContent = $compile(content)(actor);
    show: 'mouseover',
    hide: 'mouseout',
    content: compiledContent,
        at: 'right center'
    style: {
        tip: {
            corner: 'left top'


I want others to be able to change the template of the qTip bubble pop. So I have the template in index.html:

<script type="text/ng-template" id="chatter-bubble.html">
    <div class="...">
        <div class="hoverInfo">
        <div class="nameAndInfo withPresence">
                    <a href="#" class="name">{{}}</a>

In trying the above code I get the below error:

TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method '$watch'

I tried the directive route and got it to work. But instead of being invoked only on "mouseover" my directive code seems to get executed for all directive references when I only need to execute when the mouseover event actually happens. Directive code is below:

<span bubble=""...>


myApp.directive('bubble', function($http, $compile, $templateCache){
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function(scope, element, attrs)
              var content=$templateCache.get('.html');
              var compiledContent = $compile(content)(scope);
                show: 'mouseover',
                hide: 'mouseout',
                    content: compiledContent,
                    at: 'right center'
                style: {
                    tip: {
                        corner: 'left top'


Any ideas on what i'm missing here?


  • Is this the result you wanted?


    .module("app", [])
    .value("actors", [
      "John Doe",
      "Doe Johns",
      "Johnny Doe",
      "Doe John"
    .controller("ctrl", function ($scope, actors) {
      $scope.actors = actors;
    .directive("qtip", function ($compile, $templateCache) {
      var clone = $compile($templateCache.get("bubble.html"));
      function link (scope, el, attr) {
          position: {
            at: "bottom left"
          style: {
            tip: {
              corner: "top center"
          content: {
            text: function () {
              return scope.$apply(function () {
                return clone(scope);
      return {
        link: link,
        scope: {
          text: "=qtip"


    <script type="text/ng-template" id="bubble.html">
        <div class="hoverInfo">
            <div class="nameAndInfo withPresence">
                <a href="#" class="name">{{text}}</a>
    <ul ng-controller="ctrl">
            ng-repeat="actor in actors"