I've in my Java EE project this NativeQuery for MySQL:
ROUND((price_2-price_1)*100/price_1,2) AS varprice_1,
ROUND((quantity_2-quantity_1)*100/quantity_1,2) AS varcant_1,
ROUND((price_3-price_2)*100/price_2,2) AS varprice_2,
ROUND((quantity_3-quantity_2)*100/quantity_2,2) AS varcant_2,
c.id_customer AS id_customer,
c.name AS customer,
r.id_rep AS id_rep,
r.descr AS rep,
a.id_article AS id_article,
a.name AS article,
ROUND(SUM(if(docdate BETWEEN '2013-06-30' AND '2013-12-30',quantity ,0)),2) AS quantity_1,
ROUND(SUM(if(docdate BETWEEN '2013-06-30' AND '2013-12-30',net_price,0)),2) AS price_1,
ROUND(SUM(if(docdate BETWEEN '2012-06-30' AND '2012-12-30',quantity ,0)),2) AS quantity_2,
ROUND(SUM(if(docdate BETWEEN '2012-06-30' AND '2012-12-30',net_price,0)),2) AS price_2,
ROUND(SUM(if(docdate BETWEEN '2011-06-30' AND '2011-12-30',quantity ,0)),2) AS quantity_3,
ROUND(SUM(if(docdate BETWEEN '2011-06-30' AND '2011-12-30',net_price,0)),2) AS price_3,
FROM documento d
RIGHT JOIN pedido_cabezal pc ON d.id_documento = pc.id_documento
LEFT JOIN pedido_linea pl ON pc.id_documento = pl.id_documento
LEFT JOIN article a ON pl.id_article = a.id_article
LEFT JOIN customer c ON pc.id_customer=c.id_customer
LEFT JOIN rep r ON c.id_rep=r.id_rep
(docdate BETWEEN '2013-06-30' AND '2013-12-30') OR
(docdate BETWEEN '2012-06-30' AND '2012-12-30') OR
(docdate BETWEEN '2011-06-30' AND '2012-12-30')
GROUP BY a.id_article
) subq
this is a dinamically generated query, depending on user input. I don't like using native queries so I'm using it for now and I'm planning to change it with a criteria query, but I need help: I cannot figure out how this kind of queries can be substituted by a criteria query. Is there a way or it's ok to use native queries in cases like this and I should stop worrying about it?
Thank you
Unfortunately you cannot use JPA subquery results in the from clause. Neither in Criteria queries, nor in JPQL ones. This looks like the biggest problem in translating your query into a JPA one.
Secondarily, there is no Round
function, either. But it shouldn't be a problem to overcome this by using CriteriaBuilder#selectCase()