in order to edit the script of facebook plugin comment box to be dynamic and displays comments related to each post separately, I've added these 2 lines of code into the script :
var related = document.getElementById('fb-related');
related.setAttribute("data-href", "articles.aspx?art_id=<%# Request.QueryString["art_id"] %>"); ... (the rest of code) </script>
and this is the div where the comment box appear
<div id="fb-related" class="fb-comments" data-numposts="5" data-colorscheme="light"></div>
but nothing happens and the comment box doesn't appear at all ,or appears saying The comments plugin requires an href parameter. !! any help please ?
note that I'm using with C#
Put the data-href attribute in CodeBehind on the PageLoad event with C# code so when the page renders the plugin will already have a data-href