I was really amazed about's meteor.js features and ease of use, im really falling in love with it. I just wanted to know if you expert guys think it is stable enough for using it in production for a medium sized project.
Thanks for your advice!
Update Nov 2014:
Meteor 1.0 was just released, this is the first ready for production version finally, more on meteor check out this link
6 months with Meteor has the best answer to this question I've found so far.
Here are a few excerpts:
Meteor can’t be used for all real-world apps just yet. Meteor doesn’t have server-side rendering yet, so it’s not ideal for sites that need to load very fast (like e-commerce sites) or work on underpowered devices (like older mobile phones).
So I would say right now Meteor will be a perfect choice for a few apps (anything that strongly depends on real-time interactions), a great choice for most of them, and a very bad one for a few specific cases.
It sounds like Meteor is definitely promising and particularly well-suited for real-time essential web apps, however it's not production ready for all web apps at the moment. At the time of writing this meteor is at version