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Building dynamic URL using 'a href'

I am using spring-3.2 version.


The requestmapping is used to map a URL, so in this case when ever a URL is called using

<a href="company=1/branch=1/employee=1/info" > employee info </a>

the method is called in the controller with the exact @RequestMapping annotation, now I want to create the "a href" tag dynamically and want to create companyId,branchId,or employeeId dynamically.


  • You could of course build the string pointing to the respective URL dynamically.

    A first option would be using a javascript function. However, even this function has to take the IDs from somewhere. In my example, I suppose that there are javascript variables which already contain the right IDs.

    function createDynamicURL()
        //The variable to be returned
        var URL;
        //The variables containing the respective IDs
        var companyID=...
        var branchID=...
        var employeeID=...
        //Forming the variable to return    
        return URL;

    Then your html would be like:

    <a href="javascript:window.location=createDynamicURL();" > employee info </a>

    Another, more elegant solution would be to use the onClick event:

    <a href="#" onclick="RedirectURL();return false;" > employee info </a>

    with the function

    function RedirectURL()
        window.location= createDynamicURL();

    Hope I helped!