so this is an xPath expression which runs fine in a Firefox userscript but fails in a (native) chrome userscript:
var nodesSnapshot = document.evaluate("//a[@class='inline-object' and .[contains(@href,'')] ]", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null );
//just the string:
"//a[@class='inline-object' and .[contains(@href,'')] ]"
The error message: Uncaught SyntaxError: An invalid or illegal string was specified.
I've tried several things (e.g. extra brackets), googling and searching on stackoverflow without success. I also tried:
"//a[@class='inline-object action-card' and .[@href = '']]"
which also did not work. Is there someone who can explain this and correct the code?
Thanks in advance
Edit: More important information: The problem seems to be the 'current node' (the dot) in the 'and statement'.
2nd Edit: Here's a test-node:
<a href="" class="inline-object"> text of the testnode </a>
XPath expressions like .[true()]
are actually illegal (at least in XPath 1.0). Predicates are only allowed
You should simply follow @Ross Patterson's suggestion and write //a[@class='inline-object' and contains(@href,'')]
. Or, alternatively but more convoluted: