I know the question sounds a bit wierd. Sorry for that, having difficulties trying to get where i want to and even explain it. To make it simple, i have a method with Func<T>
argument. But i do not always pass a parameterless Action to that method, i need varying numbers of parameters and i'm trying to find a way to avoid overloading my method everytime number of parameters needed is increased
Here is my generic class, I need to overload GetInstance
public class MethodResult<T>
public T Result { get; set; }
public bool IsResulted { get; set; }
public Exception Error { get; set; }
private MethodResult() { }
public static MethodResult<T> GetInstance<T>(Func<T> method)
MethodResult<T> obj = new MethodResult<T>();
obj.Result = method();
obj.IsResulted = true;
obj.Error = null;
catch (Exception ex)
obj.Result = default(T);
obj.IsResulted = false;
obj.Error = ex;
return obj;
public static MethodResult<T> GetInstance<T, T1>(Func<T1, T> method, T1 param1)
MethodResult<T> obj = new MethodResult<T>();
obj.Result = method(param1);
obj.IsResulted = true;
obj.Error = null;
catch (Exception ex)
obj.Result = default(T);
obj.IsResulted = false;
obj.Error = ex;
return obj;
And here is sample showing how i want to make use of it:
public static void Main(string[] args)
var x = MethodResult<int>.GetInstance(IntResult, 5);
Console.WriteLine("Result: {0}, IsResulted: {1}, ErrorMessage: {2}", x.Result, x.IsResulted, (x.Error == null ? "null" : x.Error.Message));
var y = MethodResult<string>.GetInstance(SayHello);
Console.WriteLine("Result: {0}, IsResulted: {1}, ErrorMessage: {2}", y.Result, y.IsResulted, (y.Error == null ? "null" : y.Error.Message));
public static int IntResult(int x) { return x + 1; }
public static int IntResult(int x, int y) { return x + y; }
public static string SayHello() { return "Hello world!"; }
In order to be able to use IntResult(int x, int y)
i have to overload GetInstance
method with signiture:
public static MethodResult<T> GetInstance<T, T1, T2>(Func<T1, T2, T> method, T1 param1, T2 param2)
It's obvious that this will become very time consuming as it's already been annoying. Is there a way to avoid that much overloading ?
Instead of passing the function to call and the parameters along with it, you can pass a parameterless anonymous delegate
calling the method you want to point to with parameters you want. Just remove any overloads of GetInstance just keep:
public static MethodResult<T> GetInstance(Func<T> method)
MethodResult<T> obj = new MethodResult<T>();
obj.Result = method();
obj.IsResulted = true;
obj.Error = null;
catch (Exception ex)
obj.Result = default(T);
obj.IsResulted = false;
obj.Error = ex;
return obj;
And then call it as following:
int n = 1;
var x = MethodResult<string>.GetInstance(() => SayHello());
var y = MethodResult<string>.GetInstance(() => IntResult(2));
var z = MethodResult<int>.GetInstance(() => IntResult(n, 9));