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How do I make my banner periodically refresh to another random banner?

I have a site which shows an ad banner upon page load. I'd like for it to also change while someone is viewing the site, maybe after a few minutes?

This is my current code which displays the initial banner using PHP:

$path = '/images/adbanners/'; 
$banners = array( 
array( 'src' => 'look.jpg', 
'href' => ''), 
array( 'src' => 'see.jpg', 
'href' => ''), 
array( 'src' => 'horse.jpg',
'href' => ''), 
array( 'src' => 'scg.png', 
'href' => ''), 
array( 'src' => 'karen.png', 
'href' => ''karen), 

$rnd = mt_rand(0,count($banners)-1); // Pick a random array index.  They start with 0, so you have to -1. 
$href = $banners[$rnd]['href'];  // Link HREF 
$src = $path.$banners[$rnd]['src']; // Image source 
$randombanner = '<a href="'.$href.'" target="_blank" alt=" Sponsor!" title=" Sponsor!"><img border="0" src="'.$src.'" /></a>'; 
vB_Template::preRegister('navbar', array('randombanner' => $randombanner));  

I have an idea that this could be accomplished using JavaScript but don't know where to start. I'd rather not add a library such as jQuery to the site, as it doesn't already use it for anything.


  • I would suggest sending a list of other ads as JSON, and then using JS to swap it. You could do that with a setInterval. This is a little bit trickier without jQuery, do you have any other libraries on the site?

    For the PHP, add


    underneath where you declare the $banners array.

    Change your banner element to have an ID so we can access it via JS easily.

    $randombanner = '<a id="sponsor_banner" href="'.$href.'" target="_blank" alt=" Sponsor!" title=" Sponsor!"><img border="0" src="'.$src.'" /></a>'; 

    Then add to the $randombanner html...

        var ads='.$ads_json.';
        function swap_ad(){
            var ad_el=document.getElementById("sponsor_banner");
            var img=ad_el.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
            var random_ad=ads[Math.floor(Math.random()*items.length)];

    It would be nice to put the script in the head. Putting it by the element will work though, not sure about the limitations of vBulletin.