I am trying to figure out the best way to indent my files. I am writing something using Dojo, and have some files with a lot of dependencies.
The hope:
At the moment, I am doing this:
], function(
, topic
, Dialog
, _OnDijitClickMixin
, BorderContainer
, TabContainer
, ContentPane
, stores
, _OverlayMixin
, globals
, Resume
, DestroyableJadeTemplatedContainer
, ConfigVars
, util
, _TabRegisterMixin
, _ReLoginMixin
, WorkspacesUsersConfig
, WorkspacesConfig
, UsersConfig
, Dashboard
, Contacts
var counter = 0;
There is an extra comma at the end of the last parameter. All modern browsers are OK with it, but IE9 still seems to choke on it. Yes of course I can delete it, but then it would break the first requirement, where each line is equal
The first function parameter is different to the others (if course, missing comma)
What's the least painful way, or established standard, to indent requireJS files with a lot of modules?
Here's the style that helps me avoid the most errors.
, 'dijit/form/FilteringSelect'
, 'dijit/layout/ContentPane'
, 'dojo/_base/declare'
], function(
, FilteringSelect
, ContentPane
, declare
return declare(ContentPane, {
postCreate: function() {
// do stuff