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Indent requireJS files so that it's easy to add and delete included modules

I am trying to figure out the best way to indent my files. I am writing something using Dojo, and have some files with a lot of dependencies.

The hope:

  • Each line is the same (especially the first one, and the last one)
  • Easy to add/delete elements

At the moment, I am doing this:





  ], function(

  , topic

  , Dialog
  , _OnDijitClickMixin
  , BorderContainer
  , TabContainer
  , ContentPane

  , stores
  , _OverlayMixin
  , globals
  , Resume
  , DestroyableJadeTemplatedContainer
  , ConfigVars
  , util
  , _TabRegisterMixin
  , _ReLoginMixin

  , WorkspacesUsersConfig
  , WorkspacesConfig
  , UsersConfig
  , Dashboard
  , Contacts

  var counter = 0;


  • There is an extra comma at the end of the last parameter. All modern browsers are OK with it, but IE9 still seems to choke on it. Yes of course I can delete it, but then it would break the first requirement, where each line is equal

  • The first function parameter is different to the others (if course, missing comma)

What's the least painful way, or established standard, to indent requireJS files with a lot of modules?


  • Here's the style that helps me avoid the most errors.

        , 'dijit/form/FilteringSelect'
        , 'dijit/layout/ContentPane'        
        , 'dojo/_base/declare'
    ], function(
        , FilteringSelect
        , ContentPane
        , declare
        return declare(ContentPane, {
            postCreate: function() {
                // do stuff
    • Leading commas.
    • Alphabetically sorted args in the define function.