I am using g:remotelink from Grails' tags to do one ajax request in a dropdown menu:
<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
<li class="dropdown">
<g:remoteLink class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"
controller="mystuff" action="items" update="itemsListMenu">Items<b class="caret"></b></g:remoteLink>
<ul id="itemsListMenu" class="dropdown-menu">
it's working fine but I want to start a request only the first time the dropdown menu is pressed and not every time the menu is open or closed. I read on the Grails' remotelink docs that it is possible using onSuccess/onLoaded/onComplete/etc functions but I am not sure what is the best way to do it. Any idea?
Following john smith suggestion I have added this:
<g:remoteLink id="myButton" onSuccess="jQuery('#myButton').attr('onclick',' ')" ... >
if you want to use the onsuccess event handler with style, and if youre including jquery here you go
function killLink(element) {
element.attr("onclick"," ");
This function will simply remove the onclick ajax handler that grails creates from the tag,
your gsp would look like this
<g:remoteLink class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"
controller="mystuff" onsuccess="killLink(this)" action="items" update="itemsListMenu">Items<b class="caret"></b></g:remoteLink>