I have been trying to allow numeric field and one decimal point in my Grid.Its work fine when its suitable for input box.
when i am calling onKeyPress the script work fine for "input box" rather than on "Div element"
In "Div element",when i am supposed to use this .It allow to access only for number rather Alphabet
hence,while coming to "decimal place" its not working as it should.[ It's allowing many Dot's]
function getKey(e)
if (window.event)
return window.event.keyCode;
else if (e)
return e.which;
return null;
function restrictChars(e, obj)
var CHAR_AFTER_DP = 2; // number of decimal places
var validList = "0123456789."; // allowed characters in field
var key, keyChar;
key = getKey(e);
if (key == null) return true;
// control keys
// null, backspace, tab, carriage return, escape
if ( key==0 || key==8 || key==9 || key==13 || key==27 )
return true;
// get character
keyChar = String.fromCharCode(key);
// check valid characters
if (validList.indexOf(keyChar) != -1)
// check for existing decimal point
var dp = 0;
if( (dp = obj.value.indexOf( ".")) > -1)
if( keyChar == ".")
return false; // only one allowed
// room for more after decimal point?
if( obj.value.length - dp <= CHAR_AFTER_DP)
return true;
else return true;
// not a valid character
return false;
<div onKeyPress="return restrictChars(event, this)">
Any Ideas how we could achieve it
For an <input>
, it is required to check the value
attribute, hence why obj.value
is used in your code above. A div
element doesn't have a value
attribute. You have to check it's innerHTML
(mdn docs). If you replace all instances of obj.value
with obj.innerHTML
, your code should work.