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D3 - accessing nested data for the purpose of creating a navigation tree

So I have been using d3's zoom circle(

enter image description here

The data is passed to the d3 script as a json array with a few different levels of arrays and objects.

object = {
    class: "show",
    name: "Game of Thrones",
    children : [
            class: "family",
            name: "Starks",
            children: [
                    class: "members",
                    name: "Rob"
                    class: "members",
                    name: "Jon Snow"
            class: "family",
            name: "Lannisters"
            children: [
                    class: "members",
                    name: "Ser Jaime"
                    class: "members",
                    name: "Cersei"

I had no problem displaying the circles. I am now trying to create a navigation display on the side that maps out the hierarchy of the data. Ideally all I want is something like this:

  <li> Game of Thrones
      <li> Starks
          <li> Rob </li>
          <li> Jon Snow </li>
      <li> Lannisters
          <li> Ser Jaime </li>
          <li> Cersei </li>

It's a basic list structure. The only thing I've been able to do is access 1 level down in the data. I used 'divs' to just try to the the structure down first.

var sentimentData = data.children;

var navBox ="body").append("body:div");

    .attr("class", "navBox");

var sentimentNav = navBox.selectAll('div')
    .text(function(d){ return; });

I haven't been able to proceed anymore levels past that. I was thinking a recursive way would probably be the best way. I tried this function below but it just appended divs to the top div and not the parent node.

function buildNav(d) {
 if (d.children) {
   children = d.children;'body').append('div')
      .attr("class", function(d) {return; });
   d._children = d.children;  
   d.children = null;


Any suggestions to how to append the children to their parents, or how to access data multiple levels down would be greatly appreciated.


  • Nick! Here is the complete code of an example that creates lists that you described in the question: (there might be a nicer code to do the same thing, but this code works and produces 100% what you said) (if course, this is only a starting point, you will naturally develop further real navigation)


    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
        <script src="script.js"></script>
    <body onload="load()">
        <h4>(using D3.js-generated navigation items)</h4>


    function load(){
        object = {
            class: "show", name: "Game of Thrones",
            children : [
                    class: "family", name: "Starks",
                    children: [
                        { class: "members", name: "Rob" },
                        { class: "members", name: "Jon Snow" }
                    class: "family", name: "Lannisters",
                    children: [
                        { class: "members", name: "Ser Jaime"},
                        { class: "members", name: "Cersei" }
        buildNav(null, object);
        function buildNav(parent_ul, node){
            var current_ul, current_li;
            if(parent_ul == null)
                parent_ul ="body").append("ul");
            current_li = parent_ul.append("li").text(;
            if (node.children) {
                current_ul = current_li.append("ul");  
                for (var i=0; i<node.children.length; i++) {
                    buildNav(current_ul, node.children[i]); 

    This produces following page:

    enter image description here

    Hope this would help you.

    Let me know if you have additional questions.