Clicking the more/prev button works fine. Even when refreshing the browser the $.cookie() is doing a good job maintaining the state. But when I click the thumbnails some images confuse the cookie and thus the page acts as if the more/prev button was clicked. Please help if you can. And other tips are appreciated.
<div id="fp" class="gal">
<h4>Recent Work</h4>
[gallery columns="4" ids="7,8,187,6,9,10"]
<h4>7 Deadly Sinners and The 7 Heaven Sent</h4>
[gallery columns="4" ids="11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24"]
<div id="sp" class="gal">
<h4>The Book Of Eye Characters</h4>
[gallery columns="4" link="post" ids="26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,25"]
<script src="<?php echo TEMPPATH;?>/scripts/jquery.cookie.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function () {
$('<span id="more" class="paging">more</span>').insertAfter('#this');
if ($.cookie("page1") == "n") {
} else {
$("#more").click(function () {
$(".gal").toggle("slow", function () {
if ($('#fp').is(":visible")) {
$.cookie("page1", "y");
} else {
$.cookie("page1", "n");
I think that the problem is in your cookie creation.
When you're creating the cookie, add { path: '/' }
, like this
$.cookie('page1', 'y', { path: '/' });
So the cookie will be across the entire site and not per page, like its default behavior.