I downloaded Android's 4.4 source file and I would like to get its API as html?
I have ADT bundle and IntellijIdea 13 installed, I tried to import and then generate Doc, but I couldn't,some errors, I searched over internet but I could not find a good answers, is possible to generate API document without downloading?
Note: I want to generate the docs, I don't want to download the doc from somewhere else.
I am afraid that the answers was not my solution.
in javadoc documentation there is option for documenting multiple packages,
I first extracted android source.zip file and then I used javadoc command in command-prompt. like so:
javadoc -J-Xmx1024m -d [DESTINATION] -sourcpath [SOURCE OF PACKAGES] -subpackages [PACKAGES]
-J-Xmx1024m is allocation of memory to VM and for multiple packages under src/ folder should be used like this,
-subpackages android:androidx:java and so