in fact I am a beginner in the field of API and this is the first time I registered on, and I follow the documentation to generate the key ID. later I found links and codes.
<?php $json_string = file_get_contents(" /geolookup/conditions/q/IA/Cedar_Rapids.json");
$parsed_json = json_decode($json_string);
$location = $parsed_json->{'location'}->{'city'};
$temp_f = $parsed_json->{'current_observation'}->{'temp_f'};
echo "Current temperature in ${location} is: ${temp_f}\n"; ?>
Javascript & Jquery:
<script src=""></script>
<script> jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
url : " /q/IA/Cedar_Rapids.json", dataType : "jsonp", success : function(parsed_json) {
var location = parsed_json['location']['city'];
var temp_f = parsed_json['current_observation']['temp_f'];
alert("Current temperature in " + location + " is: " + temp_f);
} }); }); </script>
Have a wonderful day
Wunderground can be integrated using differend kind of methods.
You have provide two separated ones: one from PHP and another from JavaScript. Both are equivalent, but implemented in different technologies.
You can use JavaScript snipplet to load forecast on-the-fly. This way you have to insert fetched data in DOM hierarchy in place, where you need it. Replace your alert() call with something more appropriate. E.g.:
$("#weather").empty().append ("Current temperature in " + location + " is: " + temp_f);
You should create block/inline-element with "weather" id somewhere in document:
<div id="weather">Loading forecast...</div>
Another way is to insert weather data from PHP side. This way you should output forecast directly into div:
<div id="weather"><?php "Current temperature in ${location} is: ${temp_f}\n"; ?></div>