OpenGL defines C functions to manage resources. I wrote a simple wrapper to handle them in the RAII way. Function pairs are like unsigned glCreateProgram()
and void glDeleteProgram(unsigned program)
. However, there're function pairs which work on arrays of resources like void glGenBuffers(size_t n, unsigned* buffers)
and void glDeleteBuffers(size_t n, const unsigned* buffers);
. For the former I wrote a simple class to do the job, and for the latter I wrote another class which handles arrays. However, I noticed that at times I just use only one buffer or texture, where I don't have to incur the expense of a vector, I thought I'll specialize the class destructor if the release function takes a size parameterr in the beginning BUT...
template <typename T_res,
typename T_release_func,
T_release_func func>
struct GL_resource
GL_resource(T_res name_) : name{name_}
T_res name;
template <typename T_res, typename FT, FT func, typename RT, typename DT>
struct GL_resource<T_res, RT (size_t, DT*), func>
func(1, name);
for the above SSCCE g++ barks:
error: 'RT(unsigned int, DT*)' is not a valid type for a template non-type parameter struct GL_resource
I then wrote a dummy function void release(size_t, int*) {}
and rewrote the specilization as
template <typename T_res, typename FT, FT func>
struct GL_resource<T_res, decltype(release), release>
func(1, name);
This time I got:
error: 'void(unsigned int, int*)' is not a valid type for a template non-type parameter struct GL_resource.
Can someone explain why?
Functions aren't values, so they can't be non-type template parameters; but pointers to functions can be:
template <typename T_res, typename RT, typename DT, RT (*func) (size_t, DT*)>
struct GL_resource<T_res, RT (*)(size_t, DT*), func>
func(1, name);
Note that functions are subject to pointer decay even when used as non-type template parameters, so FT
will always be a pointer-to-function type, not a function type.