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Eclipse project - add linked resources programmatically

An example of .project contains


How to add linked resources programmatically?

org.eclipse.core.resources.IProjectDescription does not have related methods


So this Q mentions getLinks() for IProject (JavaDoc has no)
Eclipse Add marker for linked resources

Related to:
Programmatically remove linked files from the project in eclipse

UPDATED: Solved with help of both answers, as they brought understanding of Eclipse terminology (what is what)


   IFolder link = project.getFolder("Link");
   IPath location = new Path("TEMP/folder");
   if (workspace.validateLinkLocation(location).isOK()) {
      link.createLink(location, IResource.NONE, null);
   } else {
      //invalid location, throw an exception or warn user


  • One of your linked questions actually refers to example code using the createLink method of IFolder.