I have a jsp page which takes an input type date. In the servlet am using request.getParameter() and SimpleDateFormat to get the date which the user has input.
My problem is i only want to get the day, month and year but i also get the time, meaning when i display back the date i display in this format- Day Name : Month: Day of Month : Time : Year, but i only want to display - Year : Month : Day of Month.
Here is what i have done :
Date startDate=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(request.getParameter("startDate")); //get the parameter convert it to a data type Date.
out.println(startDate); //Display the date
What seems to be the problem here?
Thank you for your time.
Your problem is you are passing Date (java.util.Date) object to println method. println internally calls Date#toString() on the date object, which results in the format that you don't want.
If your problem is within servlet you want Date object then
String startDateStr = request.getParameter("startDate");
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
//surround below line with try catch block as below code throws checked exception
Date startDate = sdf.parse(startDateStr);
//do further processing with Date object
If you want to print the date then you can convert the date to String according to your format and pass that string to println method
out.println(sdf.format(startDate)); //this is what you want yyyy-MM-dd