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How to convert content of .js.rjs to .js.erb in rails

I used following lines in my create.js.rjs file. I just copied from internet and worked just fine."#notice").each { |notice| notice.hide }

page.replace_html('cart', render(@cart))

page[:cart].visual_effect :blind_down if @cart.total_items == 1

page[:current_item].visual_effect :highlight,
                                  :startcolor => "#88ff88",
                                  :endcolor => "#114411"

But now I need to use these 2 lines code in create.js.erb file. Syntax for .rjs and .erb are not same. So what would be the code for .erb file for these 2 linces.


  • Try:

    # js.erb
    $("#cart").html("<%= j render(@cart) %>")


    Found this code in book Agile Web Development with Rails:


    page[:cart].visual_effect :blind_down if @cart.total_items == 1
    page[:current_item].visual_effect :highlight,
                                      :startcolor => "#88ff88",
                                      :endcolor => "#114411"

    equivalent js.erb

      animate({'background-color':'#114411'}, 1000);

    I kind of getting a feeling that the code you're following is discussed in the linked book in a great detail, so I would suggest taking a look at the book.