I hope my question is logical.
Suppose I have third-party basic installation program. The first window is "I agree" checkbox, then click on "Next" button, then select installation folder, then click "Finish" button and the installation begins.
Is there any way to hook into the installation and do all of the clickings on checkbox and buttons programmatically? Maybe there is some way to monitor which dlls and functions are called and then do it by myself?
Take a look at winapioverride32 source code:
WinAPIOverride is an advanced api monitoring software for 32 and 64 bits processes. You can monitor and/or override any function of a process. This can be done for API functions or executable internal functions.
It tries to fill the gap between classical API monitoring softwares and debuggers. It can break targeted application before or after a function call, allowing memory or registers changes; and it can directly call functions of the targeted application.