I have a Date object as follows:
java.util.Date d = new java.util.Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); // Mon Dec 23 14:57:28 PST 2013
I need to format the date to get another Date object with this format instead: 2013-12-23 14:57:28
I tried this code:
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss");
sdf.format(d); // d is still Mon Dec 23 14:57:28 PST 2013, no formatting.
I tried this code:
String s = d.toString();
try {
d = sdf.parse(s);
} catch (Exception e)
e.printStackTrace(); // java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "Mon Dec 23 14:35:48 PST 2013"
Would you please tell me what am I doing wrong? I googled searched it but the solutions to format a Date was more or less what I tried. Any help is greatly appreciated.
You don't understand what a Date is, and what format()
does. A Date is just a number of milliseconds. Nothing more. It doesn't have any format. Formatting a date doesn't change the date at all. It returns a string containing a human readable representation of the date (like "2012-11-23" or "Monday, April 2").
So, the following instruction:
is effectively a noop. You ignore the string that it returns.
If what you want is to have a specific format used when calling date.toString()
, it's impossible. When you want to display a date in a specific format (yyyy-MM-dd
for example), instead of doing
DateFormat format = new SimpleDaeFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
All this is clearly explained in the javadoc. You should read it.