Organization is a POJO. Here is the test class:
DAOImpl daoImpl;
JdbcTemplate mockJdbcTemplate;
public void setup() {
daoImpl = new DAOImpl();
public void testAddOrg() {
final String expectedId = "7c82facc";
final String expectedOrg = "one";
new Expectations() {{
mockJdbcTemplate.queryForObject(DAOImpl.GET__KEY_FOR_ORG_IDS, (DAORowMapper) any, expectedId, expectedKeys);
result = expectedKeys;
Organization actualKey =daoImpl.addOrg(expectedId, expectedKeys);
assertEquals(expectedKeys, actualKey);
Here is the class under test: with the method I am testing for:
@Repository(value = "dao")
public class DAOImpl implements DAO {
private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
static final String GET_KEY_FOR_ORG_IDS = "select keys from table where id=?";
static final String DATASOURCE_BEAN = "dataSource";
public void createTemplate(
@Qualifier(value = DATASOURCE_BEAN) DataSource dataSource) {
this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
public SASOrganization addOrgSASRelationship(String orgIds, String orgKeys) {
try {
Organization key = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(GET_KEY_FOR_ORG_IDS, new DAORowMapper(), id, keys);
return key;
} catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
return null;
public void setJdbcTempate(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;
I am getting java.lang.ClassCastException
How do I resolve that in this particular code? If you could provide an edited code or a nice explanation.
public Organization addOrg(String orgId, String orgKeys)
here I am returning key
of type Organization
And in the test,
`mockJdbcTemplate.queryForObject(DAOImpl.GET__KEY_FOR_ORG_IDS, (DAORowMapper) any, expectedId, expectedKeys);`
as you can see the expectedId
and expectedKeys
, I am passing String but it's expecting Organization not the String.
The following is the modified test class that worked for me:
public void testAddOrg() {
final Organization expectedOrg = new Organization();
new Expectations() {{
mockJdbcTemplate.queryForObject(DAOImpl.GET_KEY_FOR_ORG_IDS, (DAORowMapper) any, expectedOrgAttr.getId(), expectedOrgAttr.getKeys());
result = expectedOrgAttr;
Organization actualKey =daoImpl.addOrg(expectedOrgAttr.getId(), expectedOrgAttr.getKeys());
assertEquals(expectedOrgAttr.getId(), actualKey.getId());
Thank you guys for the quick responses!