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code completion do not work in Nodeclipse 0.4

Are there something that I messed up, when installing Nodeclipse 0.4 so I can not do code completion since my code is worked.


current view of Nodeclipse

as you can see at picture,
- the red one is Node mode in Eclipse Kepler which enable after Nodeclipse installed
- the blue one is Java EE IDE in Eclipse which I use as to installed Nodeclipse
- the yellow one is Node code in Eclipse which default exist if I chose the example
- the green is Node code class representative.

if I press CTRL+Space in console., there is not any code completion showed up which should showed up cause I already have JsHint v. 0.9.6

if I follow instructions of installation.. then..

I got this list.. (note: the disables means I already installed it.)

list of the rest

then.. I got this message..

error when installed the rest

ANOTHER ADDITIONAL EDIT: as the comment of Nodeclipse developer,

if I reproduced but to installed JSHint alone then it goes with this message..

when installed JSHint alone



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