Let's say that I have a n sided convex hull, now how do I get the Right/Left Top/Bottom corners of said convex hull, now let's say that maybe N is 3 and the triangle coordinates are 0,0 50,0 0,50 or something else, we know what the corners are and that 0,50 counts as both the Right top and left, so is there some way to get this rather than what I have here, where Left_Bottom and so on are vectors and values is a vector array
Left_Bottom = values[0];
Left_Top = values[0];
Right_Bottom = values[0];
Right_Top = values[0];
for (int i = 1; i < values.length; i++) {
if (!Left_Bottom.XisLess(values[i])) {
if (Left_Bottom.YisLess(values[i])) {
Left_Bottom = values[i];
if (!Left_Top.XisLess(values[i])) {
if (!Left_Top.YisLess(values[i])) {
Left_Top = values[i];
if (Right_Bottom.XisLess(values[i])) {
if (Right_Bottom.YisLess(values[i])) {
Right_Bottom = values[i];
if (Right_Top.XisLess(values[i])) {
if (!Right_Top.YisLess(values[i])) {
Right_Top = values[i];
If you are just looking for the four corners of the bounding rectangle of this convex hull, actually you are looking for minimum bounding box for the convex hull.
If the bounding box is parallel to the coordinate axes, just find the min_x
, min_y
, max_x
and max_y
among all these convex hull points. Then the four corners (clockwisely) are:
(min_x, min_y)
(max_x, min_y)
(max_x, max_y)
(min_x, max_y)