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collect and increment cell array from loop matlab

I'm pretty new to matlab but after hours of trying to find a way to solve my problem it seems I have to ask directly as nothing I found really helps directly

What I am trying to do is to build a cell array that contains various variables that I have to loop over. At the minute what I have manages to create this cell array pretty well but the loop overwrites the results. I've trying looking for ways to save the output and have managed but only with examples that did not involve a cell array :(

Here's the code (forgive me if it looks really bad):

subject = {'505','506'}
pathname_read  = 'a path';
nsubj = length(subject);
for s=1:nsubj
    for e=1:ncond;
     curFile=[pathname_read subject{s} '_' Cond{e} '.set'];
     curSet={'index' curIndex 'load' curFile 'subject' curSubject 'condition' curCond};

the curSet is the cell array that gets built up. I've seen ways to extract from a loop with something like curSet(e) but here it doesn't work.

Ultimately the result I want is something like that:

{'index 1 'load' path/file 'subject' 505 'condition' HiLabel};
{'index 2 'load' path/file 'subject' 505 'condition' LoLabel};
{'index 3 'load' path/file 'subject' 506 'condition' HiLabel};
{'index 4 'load' path/file 'subject' 506 'condition' LoLabel};

I'd also want to find a way to get the ; after each line. I suppose it could, once all collected, be a kind of string since it will get "pasted into a function that looks like this

doSomething(A, 'command',{ My generated curSet });


  • Change your line

    curSet = {'index' curIndex 'load' curFile 'subject' curSubject 'condition' curCond};


    curSet(curIndex,:) = {'index' curIndex 'load' curFile 'subject' curSubject 'condition' curCond};

    That way you add a row at each iteration, instead of overwriting. The final result is

    >> curSet
    curSet = 
        'index'    [1]    'load'    [1x21 char]    'subject'    '505'    'condition'    'HiLabel' 
        'index'    [2]    'load'    [1x22 char]    'subject'    '505'    'condition'    'LowLabel'
        'index'    [3]    'load'    [1x21 char]    'subject'    '506'    'condition'    'HiLabel' 
        'index'    [4]    'load'    [1x22 char]    'subject'    '506'    'condition'    'LowLabel'