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Can I export a model with its animation from MAX to .json?

I have a model with simple animation designed on 3Ds MAX (my version is 2013). How can I export it to .json extension including its animation (for usage with Three.js)? I've tried several times to export it with tools from Three.js package but these go to waste ("morphTargets" array still empty).
How can I handle this problem? Is there any way else? Do I have to use 3D Maya to make animation for my model?
Thanks for reading!


  • To get morph targets you need to export each morph target object individually as a .obj file, including the unmorphed mesh. Then you need to pass them all to the python convert script found in /utils/converters/obj:

    python -i unmorphedmesh.obj -m 'morphmesh1.obj morphmesh2.obj' -o comppiledTargets.js

    and then your morph targets will be populated.

    If you want a boned / rigged mesh, I wrote a blog post about detailing the entire rigged 3ds max > threejs export.

    It is currently impossible to have both a boned / rigged mesh and morph targets coming from 3ds max. There is an example of both skinning and morphing in threejs, so it's possible, but that model was made in blender.