I am trying to setup my JPanel
's position to the right using i.add(jp, BorderLayout.EAST);
but it is not working. Any ideas why? Thanks for the help in advance.
private JTextField tf;//text field instance variable
private JLabel jl2;//label instance variable
* ***************/
public void window() {
LoadImageApp i = new LoadImageApp();//calling image class
JFrame gameFrame = new JFrame();//declaration
JPanel jp = new JPanel();
JLabel jl = new JLabel("Enter a Letter:");//prompt with label
tf = new JTextField(1);//length of text field by character
jl2 = new JLabel("Letters Used: ");
jp.add(jl);//add label to panel
jp.add(tf);//add text field to panel
jp.add(jl2);//add letters used
gameFrame.add(i); //adds background image to window
i.add(jp, BorderLayout.EAST); // adds panel containing label to background image panel
gameFrame.setTitle("Hangman");//title of frame window
gameFrame.setSize(850, 600);//sets size of frame
gameFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);//exit when 'x' button pressed
gameFrame.setIconImage(new ImageIcon("Hangman-Game-grey.png").getImage());//set the frame icon to an image loaded from a file
gameFrame.setLocationRelativeTo(null);//window centered
gameFrame.setResizable(false);//user can not resize window
gameFrame.setVisible(true);//display frame
}//end window method
What layout manager does i
, your LoadImageApp
instance, use? I'm betting it's not BorderLayout
. I'm betting that the LoadImageApp
class extends JPanel
and if so and if you never explicitly set its layout, then it uses a FlowLayout
by default, and as you're finding out, FlowLayout
doesn't respect the BorderLayout.EAST
int constant.
The solution is likely quite simple: make it use a BorderLayout
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
You state in comment:
When I set the border layout of i to EAST, my background image shifts to the right also, is there a way to get around that?
No, you're missing the point. You need to set the layout of LoadImageApp to BorderLayout. You're not supposed to add i BorderLayout.EAST. This was never recommended to you.
public class LoadImageApp extends JPanel {
// in the constructor
public LoadImageApp() {
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
// .... etc....
THe LoadImageApp instance (which I would name loadImageApp, not i
), should be added BorderLayout.CENTER, which you were doing before. Please read the layout manager tutorials which you can find here.