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Inserting json data into <p> tags with deployd (nobackend)

I am using a javascript Get call to grab the json data for a collection I created in deployd. I got this code directly from the deployd backend. It gives me a json array that is put into the console, but I am far from figuring out how to parse the json not sure if thats the right term, and output it into seperate p tags for each item within in the collection.

I also have included jQuery and I am assuming based on what I have looked into online that it makes it much easier to do so. Also if there is a better library than jQuery to learn to do this with, or something that makes more sense for deployd lets say Angular, I would love to be steered in the right direction.

Here is the javascript get request provided.

dpd.things.get(function (result, err) {
  if(err) return console.log(err);

I have tried looking at a example app off the deployd site to see how they did it but havent quite figured it out here is my failed attempt below

    <h1>Welcome to Deployd!</h1>
    <p>You've just created a Deployd app. You can add front-end files in the <code>public</code> folder.</p>
    <p>If you're new to Deployd, have a look at the <a href="">Getting Started Guide</a> or <a href="">Hello World Tutorial<a>.</p>
    <p class="hide" id="empty">You don't have any todos! Add one now:</p>
    <ul id="todos" class="unstyled"></ul>
    function getTodos() {
        // Get all todos
        dpd.things.get(function(result, err) {
          if (err) {
            // Alert if there's an error
            return alert(err.message || "an error occurred");

          if (!result.length) {

          // todos is an array
          result.forEach(function(thingy) {

       function renderTodo(thingy) {
        var $el = $('<li>');
            // $label = $('<label class="checkbox">')});


function getTodos() {
    // Get all todos
    dpd.things.get(function(result, err) {
      if (err) {
        // Alert if there's an error
        return alert(err.message || "an error occurred");

      if (!result.length) {

      // todos is an array
      result.forEach(function(thingy) {

   function renderTodo(thingy) {
    var $el = $('<li>');



Here is the site running on localtunnel so you can see the console.


  • I ended up doing this in the end based off of this stack overflow answer

    dpd.things.get(function(result, error) {
      $.each(result, function(i,result){
      content = '<p id=" ' + + ' ">' 
      + + '</p>' + '<p>' + result.about + 
      '</p>' + '<p>' + + '</p>'