Suppose I have a class which wraps a HashMap as follows:
public final class MyClass{
private final Map<String, String> map;
//Called by Thread1
public MyClass( int size ){ = new HashMap<String, String>( size );
//Only ever called by Thread2
public final String put( String key, String val ){
return map.put( key, value );
//Only ever called by Thread2
public final String get( String key ){
return map.get( key );
//Only ever called by Thread2
public final void printMap( ){
//Format and print the contents of the map
This class is initialized via "Thread1". However, the put, get, printMap and other operations are only ever called by "Thread2".
Am I correct in understanding that this class is thread safe as:
Since the reference to the map is declared final, all other threads would see the initial state of the map (happens-before is established).
Since put/get/printMap/etc are only ever called by Thread2, there is no need for mutual-exclusion.
Thank you
So what you are asking is correct assumption. You do not need to make it thread safe if you can guarantee that it is only used this way. You can't pass a half constructed object around in java, so the "Constructor might not be finished" is not possible.
So if you do
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
final MyClass instance = new MyClass(10);
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
instance.put("one", "one");
You are fine :) This is what you described, created by Thread1 but only used by Thread2. There is no way for the thread to collide with itself.
Thread-Safe is a different definition where the composed entity may safely be interacted with by multiple threads. In the case you described, that scenario does not happen, since you essentially have a thread that constructs and another that manipulates.