I have a ToolStripComboBox which is bound to a List<string>
. I'd like to set the visible text after initialization to String.Empty
The problem is, that whatever I do, the text after initializing the control is always the first entry of my List (what is expected but I don't manage to clear this preselected text).
This is my relevant code:
public frmPricelist(Pricelist pricelist)
_pricelist = pricelist;
private void Init()
cmbHersteller.ComboBox.DataSource = _pricelist.GetHersteller();
Application.DoEvents(); // Inserted for testing purposes
cmbHersteller.ComboBox.SelectedText = String.Empty; // does not change the value
cmbHersteller.ComboBox.Text = String.Empty; // does not change the value
Perhaps I miss the forest for the trees but I simply don't get it to work :).
In my opinion, the best approach is to actually add an empty item. Consider the following:
private void Init()
var list = _pricelist.GetHersteller();
list.Insert(0, "");
cmbHersteller.ComboBox.DataSource = list;
cmbHersteller.ComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;