I need to implement of the routines in the book Numerical Recipes available on http://www.nr.com/. However, due to my inexperience I cannot figure out how to do so. I am puzzled about compilation settings, which files to include, how to modify the main file etc. By the way I am writing in plain C. It would be very nice if you can point me to a tutorial on this topic. Furthermore, ,in our schools database we have some of these files, yet I suspect they may be outdated as the book has three editions. Therefore I would like to resort to a new resource if possible; are they freely available on internet?
Thanks in advance
Look for sources titled "C for Scientists" or "C for engineers". The first google hit contains answers to your questions: (http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/physics/current/teach/module_home/px270/week2/week_2a.pdf).
Have also a look at (http://sccn.ucsd.edu/labinfo/computer-faq/Numerical_Recipes.html), your paths may be different.