My zul here:
<intbox id="displayOrder"
constraint=" @load(vm.getText('FolderProcess:MESSAGE_NO_NEGATIVE'))"
tooltiptext="@load(vm.getText('FolderProcess:FIELD_DISPLAY_ORDER'))" />
properties file of english and french.
MESSAGE_NO_NEGATIVE=no negative: Value cannot be negative.
MESSAGE_NO_NEGATIVE=pas négatif: valeur ne peut pas être négatif.
my issue is that constraint work only when select english language .but when i select french language its not read constraint give error .
Error writing 'constraint' on type com.Abcdsystems.Abcd.comp.AbcdIntbox at [file:/C:/Abcd_N_WORKSPACE/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps/module-web/core/folder_process_edit.zul, line:416]
Anyone give me any idea how can resolve this issue ?
Before the : is the actual constraint, after is the "error message". In the french your setting of the constraint still stays english. it should be :
MESSAGE_NO_NEGATIVE=no negative: valeur ne peut pas être négatif.
Greetz chill.