Hi I need to display the timestamp but i didn't get the proper output here is my coding can you check my code and correct my mistakes.My code displays only UTC time not device time.
// show dateTime
DateTime createdAt = message.getCreatedAt();
LBLog.v(TAG, "createdAt = " + createdAt.toString());
LBLog.v(TAG, "createdAtMillis = " + createdAt.getMillis());
DateTimeFormatter fmtTimeBubble = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(LBUtil.TIME_AM_PM_FORMAT);
// update divider here
DateTimeFormatter fmt = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(LBUtil.MONTH_DD_YEAR_FORMAT);
DateTime dividerDateTime = message.getCreatedAt();
Please check this I need a timestamp like this: image link
I think you never set the TimeZone.Set the Timezone first then run Hope it useful for you.
//gets the default TimeZone
DateTimeZone dateTimeZone= DateTimeZone.getDefault();